Saturday, July 11, 2009

I Starts To Blog

Blogging, i've alwys thought blogging was done by people without a life. And to an extent, its true. Right Dhanya? yea yea.. i realise we're in the same club.. quit yellin already! so yea, I do predominantly nothing all day and going by the lyrics of the song 'Everyday is Exactly the Same' by The Nine Inch Nails. I can predict the future now cos I know what i will be doing tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that to a pretty accurate extent. Is this sounding depressing already? Well, Welcome to my head! its a eclectic mix of things you wouldnt have thought about and which you will start to ponder upon if I am as good as I think I am. lol.

I used to have someone to mail and talk to long back. Well, times have changed and so have people and their priorities. Now I have you to talk to oh world wide web.. I know you're listening... you are listening right? Web? hello? sigh Everyone else has a life. DANG IT! Here i go with the melancholy banter AGAIN!! GAH! HAVE... To..... REBOOT..... MUST.... RESIST..... TEMP... TEMPTATION... TO.. SOUND.... EMO....


  1. Ahem! Look who's here. Didn't know you had a blog and all...

    And hello ? Blogging is for people who like to write about anything and everything (even if it includes rubbish). It's so much fun :D

  2. WWW r yu listenin to tis tiny squeak :P

    cute hamster btw dnt over react if yu find him missing!!!

  3. Bumped into your blog via Dhanya's, and as she said, it's really just for people that feel like blabbing. I never thought I'd blog, not because I thought it was pointless or anything, but simply because I never had enough time to add that onto my busy agenda.

    But now that I do, and that I have started, it's turning out to be a lot more fun than I expected. :)


put ur blah right 'ere! matey