Saturday, July 11, 2009

I Starts To Blog

Blogging, i've alwys thought blogging was done by people without a life. And to an extent, its true. Right Dhanya? yea yea.. i realise we're in the same club.. quit yellin already! so yea, I do predominantly nothing all day and going by the lyrics of the song 'Everyday is Exactly the Same' by The Nine Inch Nails. I can predict the future now cos I know what i will be doing tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that to a pretty accurate extent. Is this sounding depressing already? Well, Welcome to my head! its a eclectic mix of things you wouldnt have thought about and which you will start to ponder upon if I am as good as I think I am. lol.

I used to have someone to mail and talk to long back. Well, times have changed and so have people and their priorities. Now I have you to talk to oh world wide web.. I know you're listening... you are listening right? Web? hello? sigh Everyone else has a life. DANG IT! Here i go with the melancholy banter AGAIN!! GAH! HAVE... To..... REBOOT..... MUST.... RESIST..... TEMP... TEMPTATION... TO.. SOUND.... EMO....